Crystalformer: Infinitely Connected Attention for Periodic Structure Encoding

ICLR 2024
1OMRON SINIC X Corporation2Toyota Motor Corporation3Tohoku University4Randeft Inc.5Osaka University

TL;DR Propose a transformer for crystal property prediction by mimicking interatomic potential summations via self-attention.


Predicting physical properties of materials from their crystal structures is a fundamental problem in materials science. In peripheral areas such as the prediction of molecular properties, fully connected attention networks have been shown to be successful. However, unlike these finite atom arrangements, crystal structures are infinitely repeating, periodic arrangements of atoms, whose fully connected attention results in infinitely connected attention. In this work, we show that this infinitely connected attention can lead to a computationally tractable formulation, interpreted as neural potential summation, that performs infinite interatomic potential summations in a deeply learned feature space. We then propose a simple yet effective Transformer-based encoder architecture for crystal structures called Crystalformer. Compared to an existing Transformer-based model, the proposed model requires only 29.4% of the number of parameters, with minimal modifications to the original Transformer architecture. Despite the architectural simplicity, the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for various property regression tasks on the Materials Project and JARVIS-DFT datasets.


From fully connected attention to “infinitely connected attention”

Fully connected attention

We build our method upon the standard fully connected self-attention mechanism by Vaswani et al. (2017) with a few modifications. Instead of the original abolute position representations, we employ relative position representations (φ and ψ) by Shaw et al. (2018). This fully connected self-attention operation is directly applicable to structures of finite elements, such as molecule structures.

Infinitely connected attention

However, crystal structures are infinitely repeating, periodic arrangements of atoms, which are typically represented by repeating unit cell structures. Thus, extending the fully connected attention to crystal structures results in infinitely connected attention, which involves an infinite summation to account for periodically translated unit cells in 3D space. (Note the figure is simplified to the case of 1D space.)

The infinitely connected attention describes that the state of each atom i is influenced by the states of all the atoms in the structure, j(n), with weights depending on their states and relative positions.

Interpreted as “neural potential summation”

Neural potential summation

In the physical world, such interatomic influences tend to decay as their distances increase. We explicitly model such behaviors by introducing “distance decay attention”. Specifically, we incorporate a Gaussian distance decay factor into attention weights by means of relative position encoding. Because of the similarity to energy calculation algorithms in physics simulation, we interpret our infinitely connected attention as “neural potential summation” that performs interatomic potential summations deeply in abstract feature space.

Performed just like standard attention

Pseudo-finite periodic attention

By reformulating the infinitely connected attention, we can obtain a self-attention formulation that seemingly resembles standard self-attention for finite elements. In what we call pseudo-finite periodic attention, the periodicity information is embedded into new position encoding terms, α\alpha and β\beta.


Material property prediction benchmarks

Pseudo-finite periodic attention

Our method consistently outperforms another Transformer variant, Matformer, and other state-of-the-art methods except for PotNet in all the prediction tasks, while performing comptitively with PotNet.

Efficiency comparison

Pseudo-finite periodic attention

Our method is reasonably fast in both training and testing, while achieving the best model efficiency.

Ablation study and larger models

Pseudo-finite periodic attention

While position encoding ϕ\phi for attention weights is important to make the inifinitely connected attention tractable, position encoding ψ\psi for value vectors is another key to properly encoding periodic structures (See Sec 3.1 and Appendix D for more discussions). When we evaluate a simplified model that uses no value-based position encoding ψ\psi, the performance drops significantly, as shown in Table 4.

Pseudo-finite periodic attention

We further evaluated performance variations when changing the number of self-attention blocks in Crystalformer, by utilizing the simplified variant. The results in Table A3 suggest that the performance increases steadily with more blocks, while moderately mounting on a plateau with four blocks.

Pseudo-finite periodic attention

We tested a larger model of totally 7 blocks. The results in Tables A4 and A5 show that increasing the number of self-attention blocks can lead to further improvements, given sufficient training data.

Fourier space attention for long-range interatomic interactions

Pseudo-finite periodic attention

One interesting extension of Crystalformer is to perform the infinitely connected attention in Fourier space by using the principle of Ewald summation. Fourier space is analogous to the frequency domain of time-dependent functions, and appears in the 3D Fourier transform of spatial functions. When the periodic spatial encoding term is written as αij=logf(pjpi)\alpha_{ij} = \log f(p_j - p_i) with spatial function f(r)f(r), f is a periodic function that can be expressed in Fourier space via Fourier series. In Fourier space, ff 's infinite series of Gaussian functions of distances in real space becomes an infinite series of Gaussian functions of spatial frequencies. These two expressions are complementary in that short-tail and long-tail potentials decay rapidly in real and Fourier space, respectively. We use these two expressions for parallel heads of each multi-head attention layer, by computing their α\alpha and β\beta differently in real or Fourier space. As shown in Table A6, this variant using dual-space attention shows improvments depending on the target property for prediction.


  title     = {Crystalformer: Infinitely Connected Attention for Periodic Structure Encoding},
  author    = {Tatsunori Taniai and 
               Ryo Igarashi and 
               Yuta Suzuki and 
               Naoya Chiba and 
               Kotaro Saito and 
               Yoshitaka Ushiku and 
               Kanta Ono
  booktitle = {The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)},
  year      = {2024},
  url       = {}